The Finest Golf store 

in North Central Arkansas & Southern Missouri

helping you
enhance your game


Golfstx is a full-service golf store in downtown Harrison. We’re passionate about enhancing your game with top-of-the-line equipment and highly personalized services like club fittings, swing analysis, and club repairs. If you’re ready to reach your peak performance on the course, we have what you need in store. Swing by today!

Ready to Order?

Call or email today and we will get your order taken care of!

(870) 743-8535

visit us


We're on the South side of the square!

104 west stephenson ave

we're open


mon - fri: 10am - 5pm
Sat: 10am - 1pm
closed sunday

what you'll find at golfstx

we buy clubs!


Looking to upgrade your gear? Turn your used equipment into cash or explore our collection of premium golf products to level up your game.

“They have fast service and many items in stock! I went in for a new putter grip and
walked out with it installed 3 minutes later!”

jake thorton

have a question for a golf pro?

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